One year of the Flower Towns Kyoto

★ 7 – 9 January    【Opening ceremony】

The ceremony is held at the Kaburen Theater of each hanamachi. Maiko wear black formal kimono with crests and three pointed white makeup on the back of their necks.











★ Around 3 February  【 Setsubun or the day before the beginning of spring 】

Dedicated dance at Yasaka Shrine… 
Maiko of each hanamachi dance at Yasaka Shrine for two days ( Maiko of Kamishichiken offer dance at Kitano Shrine).


Bean throwing ceremony after the dance.


At some hanamachi, geiko and maiko wear the costume which is called “obake” or “monster” and visit zashiki rooms at night.






★ 25 February     【 Plum Flower Festival 】

Geiko and maiko of Kamishichiken serve tea at Kitano Shreine.













★ April – early May   【 Spring Dance 】

Dance festival is held at each Kaburen Theater of hanamachi (except Gion Higashi).











★ 16 April       【 Dedicated dance at Heian Shrine 】

Dedicated dance by maiko of each hanamachi at Heian Shrine (except the maiko of Kamishichiken).











★ 13 May      【 Kankame Shrine Annual Festival 】

Geiko and maiko of Gion Higashi serve holy sake.











★ The third Saturday and Sunday of June  【 Joint Dance Festival by Gokagai 】

The festival is called “The Hustle of miyako (city)”. Geiko and maiko of all hanamachi join and make a stage.











★ Early July      【 Miyabi Party 】

Geiko and maiko of Gion Kobu wear the same yukata and visit Yasaka Shrine.











★ July – early September 【 Beer garden 】

Kaburen Theater of Kamishichiken becomes a beer garden.











★ 16 July   【 Dedicated dance at Yasaka Shrine on the eve of Gion Festival 】

Dance is offered by the maiko of Gion Kobu











★ 24 July     【 Float parade and dedicated dance 】

Geiko and maiko of two hanamachi participate every two years (except Kamishichiken).











★ 1 August      【 Hassaku or the first day of the eighth lunar month 】

Visit to dance teachers and tea houses (Geiko and maiko of Gion Kobu wear black formal kimono with crests and three pointed white makeup on the back of their necks. Other maiko wear colored formal kimono.)











★ October – early November 【 Autumn Dance 】

Dance festival is held at Kaburen Theater of each hanamachi











★ 22 October     【 The Jidai Festival 】

Geiko and maiko of each hanamachi participate in the parade. They take turns annually.











★ 23 November    【 Gion Kouta Festival 】

Maiko of each hanamachi take turns dancing annually.











★ Early December     【 An all-star appearances at Minamiz Theater 】

Maiko of each hanamachi visit Minamiza Theater every day in turn and appreciate kabuki.











★ 13 December    【 Preparation 】

Maiko visit dance teachers and tea houses of each hanamachi











★ 31 December    【 Otokousan 】

Visit to tea houses on New Year’s Eve

    … Tea houses give red and white lucky bags to geiko and maiko.

      (This custom has been done mainly at Gion Kobu.

But most of the geiko and maiko are not from Kyoto today. They go back to their hometowns during the year-end so they visit tea houses before going back home)





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